Monday, 3 February 2014

Camden Lock Market

Camden Lock Market

This is notorious for particularly bad pickpocketing, so be extra vigilant there. 
It's something like a British Bugis, consisting of a maze of different lanes to turn into, filled with the usual t-shirt shops, shoes, accessories, scarfs, etc, and quite a number of hangers that said £2 or £5.

In one t-shirt shop, Mum was discussing whether or not to buy something with me in Mandarin and then the British shopkeeper suddenly said 有问题吗? (Is there a problem?) in practically perfect Chinese.  We were pretty surprised. It turns out she'd decided to learn Mandarin on her own for fun, and when she found out we were from Singapore, she smiled and said she'd always wanted to go there, to which I said, "It's terribly hot," and to which she replied, "That's the point."

Getting there:
Nearest tubes: Camden Town (5min) or Chalk Farm Road (7min)

Photos taken with Sony RX100 ii

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